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Core documents:
Keyword Renaissance, the

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1474* Venetian Statute on Industrial Brevets (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1486* Marco Antonio Sabellico's Printing Privilege (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1498* Ottaviano Petrucci's Music Patent (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1504* Privilege Granted to Benedetto Bordon (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1511* Imperial Privilege for Arnolt Schlick (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1511* Imperial Privilege for Albrecht Dürer (Germany)
1531* Basel Printers' Statute (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1545* Venetian Decree on Author-Printer Relations (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1546* Privilege Granted to Enea Vico (Parmigiano) (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1556 (1555 m.v.)* Privilege Granted to Antonio Floriano (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1556* Privilege Granted to Giovanni Ostaus (Italy) Commentary: [1]
1586* Simon Marion's plea on privileges (France) Commentary: [1]
1590* Giovanni Fratta's 'On the Dedication of Books' (Italy)